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Linde to aid in Swedish hydrogen project aiming to develop solutions for the maritime industry

Source: Update:2021-12-28 20:35:14 Author: Browse:450次

A new research project led by Sweden’s Uppsala University has received support from Linde as the project aims to develop a new solution for hydrogen within the maritime industry between Gotland and mainland Sweden.

In developing a new solution, not only will this enhance the hydrogen economy within Sweden but could also create an innovative mobility solution that could be replicated around Europe.

Because of this, the new agreement and involvement by Linde could enhance the prospects of the project and turn it into a key development for future initiatives within the maritime industry.

Within the maritime programme, the Swedish Energy Agency has granted a two-year grant of just over SEK 3m ($300,000) to this research project with the goal to present a complete, sustainable and reliable fuel system that will be implemented by 2030 in order to be used by the next generation of Gotland ferries.

The project is a collaboration between Uppsala University, Rederi AB Gotland/Gotland Tech Development, OX2, Linde Gas, Uniper and Bassoe Technology.

The research is led by Björn Samuelsson, researcher in quality technology and Stefan Ivanell, professor of wind energy research (deputy project manager), both at Uppsala University.

Björn Samuelsson, Project Manager and Researcher at Uppsala University, said, “It is fantastic to have the opportunity to contribute in this concrete way to the transition to sustainable maritime transport.

“This will lead to a lot of positives for Gotland, Campus Gotland and shipping in general. Through our cooperation with our industrial partners, we add great industry expertise and get good opportunities to see our results realised in the near future.”

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