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HyTruck mobile hydrogen refueller successfully provides hydrogen for a BMW iX5 Hydrogen car

Source: Update:2021-12-20 19:44:49 Author: Browse:481次


BMW Group has successfully refuelled one of its iX5 Hydrogen fuel cell cars using a mobile hydrogen refueller vehicle provided by the HyTruck initiative.

The HyTruck initiative hopes to see a total of 1000 hydrogen-powered trucks on the roads, and the infrastructure, between Belgium, the Netherlands and western Germany by 2025.

Regarded as one of the largest European projects to deploy zero-emission heavy-duty fleets in Europe’s most intense traffic areas, HyTruck aims to reduce CO2 emissions by an estimated amount of more than 100,000 tonnes per year through its effort.

This is a key development as, despite refuelling a passenger vehicle, it showcased the promise that this technology has in providing the necessary infrastructure for refuelling hydrogen vehicles.

Utilising the Hytruck mobile refuelling vehicle to deliver fuel on site, a representative from BMW Group said, “Hydrogen fuel cell technology could become an alternative to battery-electric drive trains especially for customers who do not have their own access to electric charging infrastructure or who frequently drive long distances.”

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