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Air Products to showcase hydrogen mobility solutions at ACT Expo

Source: Update:2021-09-03 18:51:15 Author: Browse:500次

Air Products’ hydrogen mobility solutions will take centre stage at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo, taking place today and tomorrow (31st August – 1st September) at Long Beach, California.

The industrial gas giant’s participation at ACT Expo reaffirms its commitment to the clean fuel and follows a series of hydrogen-related announcements. Just last month, the company announced plans to convert its global fleet of 2,000 trucks to hydrogen fuel.

 “The switch to hydrogen for heavy-duty transportation such as buses and semi-trucks is an essential part of building a cleaner future through the energy transition,” said Eric Guter, Air Products’ Vice-President of Hydrogen for Mobility Solutions.

“Hydrogen fuel cell trucks and buses have inherent technical advantages compared to their battery electric counterparts including faster refuel times, the ability to travel longer distances, while carrying heavier payloads.”

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