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Mitsubishi receives approval in principle for LCO2 carrier system

Source: Update:2021-09-07 18:54:53 Author: Browse:515次

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), is looking to develop its liquified CO2 (LCO2) carriers in order to push forward CO2 ecosystems as part of the energy transition.

Under its latest LCO2 effort, the company on Thursday (2nd September) said it has been granted approval in principle from the French Classification Society Bureau Veritas for a cargo tank system to be mounted in a LCO2 carrier. 

LCO2 carriers transport liquefied CO2 gas as a liquid in a low temperature, high pressure state. Taking that into consideration, independent Type C tanks are typically used for the cargo tank system.

With approval in principle being grants, MHI Group will continue to develop and offer a wide range of technologies related to the LCO2 carriers.

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