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VVC starts drilling on Plateau Helium’s Syracuse property

Source: Update:2021-08-24 20:45:24 Author: Browse:474次

Canadian mining exploration and development company, VVC Exploration Corporation (VVC) has begun drilling at two of the three wells located at the property of its wholly owned helium exploration company, Plateau Helium.

The first new Syracuse well, Durler 2-21, saw drilling begin on 2nd August and end on 12th August. Two zones with identifiable helium were discovered in the 5,500 ft well. Production will begin following well completion, perforation, well-head installation and attachment to the pipeline, to be achieved approximately two weeks after the end of drilling.

The second well, Levens 2, saw drilling begin on 14th August and the well completion, perforation, well-head installation, and attachment to the pipeline will occur shortly after its completion on 22nd August.

Commenting on the drilling, Jim Culver, President, VVC, said, “With the drilling of these wells, we are getting closer to generating positive cash flows from the helium business. This is the company’s immediate goal, as it will help provide funding to the Company’s other projects.”

Any gas zone discovered that may hold potential helium during the drilling of the wells, including the third Syracuse well scheduled to begin on 24th August, will be evaluated.

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