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Fluor announces significant milestone on Clean Fuels Project

Source: Update:2020-08-31 20:11:07 Author: Browse:483次

Fluor Corporation today said its joint venture with Daewoo Engineering & Construction and Hyundai Heavy Industries has successfully achieved final provisional turnover of the facilities for Kuwait National Petroleum Company’s (KNPC) Mina Abdullah Package 2 (MAB2) Clean Fuels Project in southern Kuwait.

The Clean Fuels Program is being executed on the three KNPC-owned and operated refineries in Kuwait.

As part of the program, KNPC plans to retire existing processing facilities at the Shuaiba Refinery and perform a major upgrade and expansion of the MAB and Mina Al-Ahmadi refineries to integrate the refining system into one complex with full conversion operations.

The MAB2 package facility is comprised of a world-scale hydrogen plant (steam reformers), sulfur block (sour water stripper, amine regeneration unit and sulfur recovery unit) and utilities, off-sites and non-process buildings.

It also covers extensive modifications to the existing Mina Abdullah refinery units.

Following commissioning, both refineries will have a capacity of 800,000 barrels per day to meet local and international demand for clean fuels.

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