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Lake Shore Cryotronics acquires Janis Research Laboratory Cryogenics business

Source: Update:2020-08-31 20:12:38 Author: Browse:493次

Lake Shore Cryotronics has acquired Janis Research’s Laboratory Cryogenics business — a move that unites two of the world’s leading providers of cryogenic and material characterisation solutions for low-temperature research.

Announcing the news today, the acquisition of the Woburn, Massachusetts-based business enables Lake Shore to now offer Janis Research liquid nitrogen, liquid helium, and closed-cycle refrigerator (cryogen-free) cryostats, liquid helium and cryogen-free superconducting magnet systems, cryogenic and cryogen-free probe stations, and various lab cooling systems.

“Janis is an ideal fit for Lake Shore,” said Michael Swartz, Lake Shore Cryotronics President and CEO. “They’re highly knowledgeable about the needs of scientists and others working in low-temperature physics and early-stage materials research, and together, we can offer a more complete portfolio of product solutions.”

Founded in 1961, Janis Research began as a manufacturer of liquid helium transfer lines and soon expanded its product offering to include cryogenic research equipment, ranging from simple LHe storage Dewars to sophisticated superconducting magnet and low-temperature systems.

Scott Azer, Janis Research’s Vice-President of Business Development, said, “We see many synergistic product opportunities ahead, combining Lake Shore’s expertise in instrumentation, applications, and system engineering with Janis’ strength in cryogenic system design and fabrication.”

“We look forward to serving the scientific community even more effectively than before, as members of the Lake Shore family.”

Janis Research will maintain product development, engineering, manufacturing, and product shipping operations in Woburn.

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