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Hyundai unveils world’s first LNG-powered container ship

Source: Update:2020-08-28 19:43:17 Author: Browse:501次

Hyundai Heavy Industries Group has today unveiled the world’s first LNG-powered container ship.

The company’s shipbuilding unit, Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries said that it will deliver the 14,800 TEU class container ship to Singapore’s Eastern Pacific Shipping on 15th September (2020).

Planned to operate between Asia and Europe, the ship is equipped with a large 12,000m3 LNG fuel tank and measures 366m long, 51m wide and 29.9m deep.

An official from Hyundai Heavy Industries Group said, “As electric vehicles are in the limelight in the automobile industry, eco-friendly ships such as LNG propulsion ships are attracting great attention in the shipbuilding industry. We will continue to lead.”

Hyundai Heavy Industries Group has now received orders for a total of 44 LNG-powered ships of various types, representing has the largest number of orders in the globally.

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