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New IG Asia 2020 dates for your diary!

Source: Update:2020-03-18 15:26:31 Author: Browse:18496次

IG Asia 2020 has been postponed from 27-28 May until 1-2 September 2020, in light of ongoing coronavirus/COVID-19 concerns. Please make a note of these new dates!

The regional industrial gases exhibition and conference will still take place at Bangkok’s Makkasan Expo Halls as planned and it’s free to attend. We’ll be providing further updates in due course and visitor booking will open on the show website shortly.

IG Asia 2020 is the first international edition of the highly successful industrial gas series of event – IG CHINA in China, established in 1999, and attracting world class technology, suppliers and services the manufacturing, storage and distribution of industrial gases. Find out more atwww.IGasiaAsia.com or contact us directly at :gas@aes-exhibitions.com  andait@263.net.cn.



David Aitken                                           Frank XU

Managing Director                                 Founder/CEO

Asian Exhibition Services Ltd.                AIT Events Co,.Ltd.

Members of AES (UK) Limited               China IG Members Alliance

E-mail: ait@263.net.cn
Service Hotline: +86-10-8416 4557
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