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Saudi Aramco signs deal for carbon capture software

Source: Update:2022-12-22 18:42:14 Author: Browse:1063次

Energy giant Saudi Aramco (Aramco) will partner with industrial software company Aspen Technology (Aspen) as part of an agreement that aims to introduce innovative carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) software to industry.

The software is an integrated modelling and optimisation solution designed to equip companies with the tools needed to improve the carbon footprint of their processes and accelerate sustainable operations.

According to Aspen, the new product is based on technology developed by Aramco in collaboration with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST).

Aspen’s existing solutions include Aspen Plus – software which allows operators to optimise energy usage by modelling carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and acid gas removal, in addition to enabling users to calculate total CO2 emissions emitted from processes.

The software also includes a feature whereby companies can model ‘carbon capture, carbon conversion to biomass (algae) and biofuels synthesis’, helping transform CO2 from a pollutant to a biofuel feedstock material.

As the world’s largest oil producer, Aramco has previously stated its plans to increase fossil fuel production in the next decade, while controlling the rise in emissions through measures such as carbon capture and storage (CCS).

According to ClientEarth, it has been estimated that Aramco operations could produce the equivalent of 27bn tonnes of CO2 between 2018 and 2030.


The organisation also revealed that 4.38% of the world’s historic carbon emissions have been attributed to Aramco.

Having last year announced its plans to expand climate goals, Aramco plans to achieve Net Zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions across its wholly owned operated assets by 2050.

“As the largest provider of energy to the world, Aramco’s ambition to reach Net Zero GHG emissions across our operations in less than three decades is an historic step forward that will help tackle the most pressing challenge facing humanity,” said Amin H. Nasser, President and CEO of Aramco.

“The road ahead will be complex, as the world’s transition to a more sustainable energy future will require collective action and major technological breakthroughs. But we remain focused on delivering reliable and affordable energy.”

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