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iGas USA opens two production facilities in Abu Dhabi

Source: Update:2022-12-13 20:37:17 Author: Browse:1052次

iGas USA, one the world’s largest refrigerant gas suppliers, has opened two new production facilities in Abu Dhabi.

Its 2 million sq ft newly-constructed refrigerant production facility, spanning 40 acres, is complemented by an 80,000 sq ft cylinder production facility with fully-automated production lines set to manufacture DOT disposable refrigerant cylinders.

The two factory openings demonstrate the versatility of iGas USA, which produces both refrigerant gas and metal cylinders within one global company.

Ben Meng, CEO & Founder of iGas USA, said 2023 will be an “exciting year” with its two new factories serving global customers, with deliveries to the US starting in the first quarter. 

He said its refrigerant production facility aims to manufacture 40,000MTs of R32 annually and cylinder production capacity in the new DOT disposable refrigerant cylinder facility will reach 4 million cylinders per year.

iGas believes it has “set the market standard” on refrigerant gas and remains committed to the growth of the HVAC industry.

iGas USA services wholesale distributors, original equipment manufacturers, aftermarket retail companies, airports, hospitals, office buildings, restaurants, manufacturing companies, shopping malls, train stations, cold storage units, grocery stores, apartment complexes, and resorts. Since 2016, iGas has been one of the largest refrigerant gas suppliers in the US through their Tampa, Florida operation headquarters.

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