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New hydrogen refuelling stations opened by Shell and H2 Mobility Deutschland in Germany

Source: Update:2022-05-23 18:47:20 Author: Browse:392次

Germany continues to surge forward with its hydrogen refuelling infrastructure rollout with a new station now operational in Kirchheim.

Developed by partners Shell and H2 Mobility Deutschland, filling station opened at the Shell Hauptstraße 1 station, sees another addition to Germany’s vast hydrogen refuelling station figure which is expected to continue to grow.

This is major for the country’s hydrogen economy. With further refuelling stations being rolled out, it grants further demand for the hydrogen mobility market and could create a domino effect for the industry.

The hydrogen filling station is now available regularly, in optimisation mode, for filling up hydrogen cars at 700 bar. The optimisation mode is a standard procedure during commissioning, in which final work is carried out in the background.

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