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Largest PEM electrolyser in India planned for 2023

Source: Update:2022-05-18 19:03:32 Author: Browse:326次

GAIL (India) Limited has awarded a contract to set up one of the ‘largest’ Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyser in India, in line with the country’s National Hydrogen Mission.

Announced on Thursday (May 12), the project is set to be installed at GAIL’s Vijaipur Complex, in the Guna District of Madhya Pradesh, and would be ‘based on renewable power’.

Scheduled to be commissioned by November 2023, the project is planned to produce approximately 4.3 tonnes of hydrogen per day, with a capacity of around 10MW. The initiative reflecting GAIL’s contribution towards India’s vision of a greener future.

Earlier, in January this year, GAIL had commenced India’s first-of-its-kind project of mixing Hydrogen into natural gas system. The company has said they have achieved successful blending of 2% hydrogen into a gas network.

India’s National Hydrogen Mission was launched in August 2021, which aims to make India a ‘green hydrogen hub’. The country has targeted a production of 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030.


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