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Environment Agency publish guidance on new CCS technologies in UK

Source: Update:2021-07-21 15:16:32 Author: Browse:471次

As the UK Government lay out plans to capture 10 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) a year by 2030, the Environment Agency have published guidance on carbon capture as part of its aim for a net zero future.


The agency’s Best Available Technique (BAT) guidance was produced in partnership with the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC) and other UK regulators, in addition to consulting with industry stakeholders.

The guidance relates to capturing CO2 post-combustion and it will mean that any operator wishing to capture CO2 from their combustion process in England will have to obtain an environmental permit from the Environment Agency.

Prior to being granted a permit, strict requirements that protect the environment and surrounding communities will also have to be met.

Speaking about the new guidance, Lee Rawlinson, Director of Regulated Industry, Environment Agency, said, “The Environment Agency has an important part to play in permitting many of the energy technologies that are likely to emerge over the coming years.”

“This is part of our Climate Ambition to help create a net zero nation that is resilient to climate change.”

Other organisations or members of the public who wish to understand how the environmental regulations and standards are being applied may access the guidance online.

With a plan to update the BAT Review document, Jon Gibbins, University of Sheffield, Director of UKCCSRC, said, “The BAT Review process has been a good opportunity to work closely with industry to assess public-domain information on practical post-combustion carbon dioxide capture experience.”

“The plan is to update the Review document as more information becomes available from the current wave of full-scale projects that are being planned in the UK and globally – hopefully soon.”

The carbon capture guidance is available on gov.uk.

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