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Wärtsilä to supply propulsion system for GEV’s C-H2 ship

Source: Update:2021-06-30 14:20:30 Author: Browse:416次

Technology group Wärtsilä has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Global Energy Ventures (GEV) that will see the inclusion of its propulsion systems into the GEV compressed hydrogen C-H2 ships.

The cooperation aims to advance GEV’s Approval in Principle (AiP) application for its new 430 tonne C-H2 vessel with it also intended to demonstrate the availability of a highly efficient, low-emissions propulsion system for the vessel.

Compression delivers a proven, simple and efficient method for transporting green hydrogen.

Because of this, it is a preferred solution for marine hydrogen transport but is often overlooked due to its lower volumetric energy density.

The parties believe that the C-H2 project will eliminate the technical barriers and deliver a solution which is superior to other transport alternatives.

Wärtsilä has been researching hydrogen as a fuel for twenty years and has already tested its engines with blends of up to 60% hydrogen and 40% natural gas.

Martin Carolan, CEO of Global Energy Ventures, said, “We look forward to working closely with Wärtsilä on this project.

“We have shown that C-H2 shipping is ideally suited for exporting green hydrogen with a lower delivered cost and having a technology leader such as Wärtsilä with us, we can deliver a shipping solution that is completely sustainable.”

Petteri Saares, Sales Director at Wärtsilä Marine Power, said, “This project is an important steppingstone along the journey towards a decarbonised maritime industry, something that Wärtsilä is fully committed to supporting.

“We are actively developing propulsion alternatives that can utilise future carbon-neutral fuels, raise efficiency levels, and which significantly improve environmental performance. This agreement with GEV is fully in line with our own ambitions.”

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