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Calvera unveils its latest hydrogen development

Source: Update:2021-06-23 19:33:50 Author: Browse:450次

The Calvera Industrial Group is developing a new hydrogen refuelling station for forklifts.

Sharing the news today (June 17) the hydrogen station developer said the facility will be able to produce enough hydrogen to supply 120 forklifts a day.

Responsible for every stage of the development process, Calvera said the characteristics of tis equipment will be able to meet the demands of its customer. 

The forklifts will also be able to be refuelled very quickly and offer maximum performance.

Whilst the company hasn’t yet constructed a hydrogen station with such high capacity, Calvera has already manufactured small and medium-sized hydrogen stations for forklifts.

Most recently, the company delivered the first 700bar hydrogen refuelling station for Madrid, Spain.

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