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BV approves Mitsubishi Shipbuilding’s LNG fuel gas supply system

Source: Update:2020-10-27 19:42:26 Author: Browse:502次

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding has been granted Approval in Principle (AiP) from French classification society Bureau Veritas (BV) for its new LNG fuel gas supply system.

Part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), the company received the AiP for a liquefied natural gas fuel gas supply system (FGSS) for marine four-stroke dual-fuel engines.

The FGSS comprises an LNG fuel tank, gas supply unit, control systems and other relevant equipment.

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding said it was developed mainly to be installed on coastal ferries and small to mid-sized cargo ships.

The small size vacuum-insulated type tanks to be applied for the system have a double shell structure that ensures high heat insulation and also allows the external cylinder of the tank to be at normal temperature.

This simplifies the support structure of the tank and reduces the workload for the installation work.

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding said it will keep expanding its product line up to meet the increasing demand for LNG fuel.

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