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Tech Air Acquires Tri-Star Gases

Source:gasworld Update:2019-01-09 17:00:15 Author:佚名 Browse:600次

Tech Air, distributor of industrial, medical, and specialty gases and related equipment and supplies, headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut, has added Tri-Star Gases to its family of companies.

The partnership with Tri-Star Gases will expand the presence of Tech Air in the Southern California area.

Though Tri-Star Gases is a relatively new company, starting in 2013, it has a 70+ year legacy of service in the welding and gas supply industry among its manufacturing and industrial customers in the Southern California area.

The new Tech Air location is: 

Tech Air of California,

DBA/ Tri-Star Gases,

10005 Garvey Ave,

El Monte, CA 91733


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