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Luxfer Gas Cylinders acquires Luxfer GTM Technologies

Source:gasworld Update:2019-01-09 16:57:42 Author:佚名 Browse:600次

Luxfer Gas Cylinders has acquired 100% ownership of Luxfer GTM Technologies.

Luxfer Gas Cylinders, the manufacturer of high-pressure aluminum and composite gas cylinders, entered into a joint venture (JV) relationship to create Luxfer GTM Technologies in 2013, with the aim being to develop, manufacture and sell or lease high pressure, lightweight, gas transport modules. From December 28, 2018, that JV separated into two areas: manufacturing/sales and leasing.

Luxfer Gas Cylinders will take full responsibility for the manufacturing and sales portion of the business from the base in Catoosa, Oklahoma, operating as Luxfer GTM Technologies.

The leasing operations will also continue, but now as an independent entity, owned and operated by the company’s previous partner, Michael Koonce, as “Gas Transport Leasing” out of Berkeley, California.

“We are excited about the opportunities ahead in bulk gas transport,” said Andy Butcher, Luxfer Gas Cylinders President.

“Over the coming days, we will be working on a transition plan to leverage the synergies that Luxfer brings across sales, marketing, manufacturing, operations and other functional areas. With this acquisition we look forward to providing our customers an expanded set of products and services that they expect from Luxfer, the world’s largest manufacturer of gas cylinder solutions.”

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