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Airgas to supply industrial gases and equipment to SkillsUSA

Source: Update:2024-07-12 19:23:36 Author: Browse:579次

Airgas, an Air Liquide company, will supply the industrial gases and equipment needed for SkillsUSA Championship, to support students who are exploring a career in welding.

The news marks the second year that Airgas has supported the event. Industrial gases supplied by the US company will support many SkillsUSA Championship competitions, including collision repair technology, HVACR, residential and commercial appliance technology, welding, welding fabrication, and welding sculpture.

SkillsUSA serves nearly 400,000 career and technical education students and teachers in middle schools, high schools, and college/postsecondary programmes nationwide. It focuses on providing immersive learning experiences, industry-specific training, and career-ready knowledge.

Bill Pharmer, Senior Director of Airgas Advanced Fabrication Technologies, said the company is proud to supply industrial gases to SkillsUSA for a second year.

He continued, “We witnessed the positive impact that our sponsorship support had on the competitors, instructors, and other attendees last year and are excited to continue in 2024 as high school students explore welding, engineering, and technical careers.”

Back in April, Airgas said that 65 schools had enrolled in its Highschool Welding Education Initiative for the 2024 academic year to support welding, engineering, and technical careers.

Since 2018, the Airgas High School Welding Education Initiative has assisted 117 schools, over 8,100 welding students, and nearly 560 instructors across the country.

Airgas’ efforts come at a critical time for the welding industry. The American Welding Society (AWS) forecasts that 360,000 new welding professionals are projected to be needed by 2027, with 90,000 average welding jobs to be filled annually between 2023-2027.

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