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US DOE awards $47.7m to 16 hydrogen research projects

Source: Update:2023-10-08 18:46:42 Author: Browse:921次

$47.7m of funding has been granted to 16 hydrogen research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects in 13 states by the US Department of Energy (DOE).

The call for projects launched in January (2023) has selected variety of plans including advanced electrode technologies for PEM electrolysers, hydrogen storage and fuel cell technologies.

All 16 of the projects are aimed at lowering technology costs, enhancing hydrogen infrastructure and improving the performance of fuel cells and hoped to support the DOE’s efforts of reducing costs to enable commercial-scale deployment of hydrogen.

Among the biggest awardees are:

  • The University of Hawaii at Manoa to develop high performing and durable membrane electrode assembly (MEA) with novel electrode structures and hydrocarbon proton exchange membranes. (Awarded $4m).
  • The Colorado School of Mines for solid state-based hydrogen loss recovery during liquid hydrogen transfer. (Awarded $6m).
  • GE Research’s project to develop composite liquid-hydrogen tank for heavy-duty trucks and aircraft in Niskayuna, New York. (Awarded $2.9m)
  • The University of Southern California for chemical hydrogen storage media with value-added co-products. (Awarded $1m).
  • Louisiana State University to enable formate-based hydrogen storage and generation via multi-metallic alloy catalysts. (Awarded $1m).

“Making next-generation climate technologies cost-competitive is key to realising President Biden’s vision of a strong clean energy economy rooted in equity and opportunity,” said US Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm.

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