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Woodside delivers North West Shelf LNG to Europe

Source: Update:2022-12-01 18:11:24 Author: Browse:294次

Woodside Energy has shipped an LNG cargo to Europe on board the Woodside Rees Withers from Australia’s North West Shelf and delivered it to Uniper Global Commodities SE.


The cargo of approximately 75 000 t of LNG (100 million m3 of natural gas) was delivered on 27 November 2022 to the Gate Terminal located on Maasvlakte in Rotterdam, and will contribute to natural gas supply in Northwest and Central Europe.


Woodside Executive Vice President Marketing & Trading, Mark Abbotsford, said the company was pleased to have concluded the trade at a time when Europe is in urgent need of alternative sources of gas to replace Russian pipeline supplies.


“Events over the course of 2022 have shown that the world cannot take reliable and affordable supplies of energy for granted, particularly as we strive to decarbonise.


“At such times, it is more important than ever that buyers and sellers work together to flexibly respond to market dynamics. Our relationship with Uniper is an example of such cooperation.


“The delivery of a North West Shelf LNG cargo to Europe also highlights the role that Australian LNG can play in supporting global energy security,” Abbotsford added.


Uniper’s Director LNG, Andreas Gemballa, commented: “We continue to work on securing the much needed gas supply into Europe from reliable sources like Australia and thus helping to strengthen security of supply during the ongoing crisis triggered by the Russian war.


“In addition to bringing online FSRUs in Germany, we are contracting LNG from diversified sources into existing and new regasification capacity in Europe. Woodside as a reliable supplier is helping us to bring additional LNG to Europe.”

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