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US helium storage cavern plans progress: Total Helium secures water rights

Source: Update:2022-11-18 15:06:08 Author: Browse:339次

Total Helium has advanced its plans to build a salt cavern helium storage facility to bring long-term storage and supply security to the industry.


The helium exploration company last week (11th Nov) said it had secured that water rights for the construction of the western Kansas-based site that will have capacity to hold 400 million cubic feet of helium per year.


Monthly payments are currently being received by Total Helium for advancing the project. The company is working with several industrial gas companies to fund the development.


Total Helium and its industrial gas partner with own the facility 50-50.


Upon completion, Total Helium’s storage facility is expected to serve as a regional, national and international helium storage hub for industrial gas companies.


Historically, the world’s only existing viable long-term storage facility for helium has been the Federal Helium Reserve in Amarillo, Texas. The facility is managed by the US government, but uncertainty over its future is continuing.

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