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UK hydrogen pipeline project receives Government funding

Source: Update:2022-07-26 19:37:08 Author: Browse:330次

A hydrogen pipeline demonstrator is set to be developed in the UK after Sustainable Pipeline Systems Ltd (SPS) secured £297,000 ($354,660) in funding from the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy’s (BEIS) Industrial Fuel Switching competition.

SPS has revealed it plans to begin feasibility work with Smartflow Couplings at SPS’ site in East Heslerton, North Yorkshire to support the switch from natural gas to hydrogen, in a bid to help the UK in meeting its 2050 Net Zero targets.

The two companies will also work with a local sustainability consultant to identify local industries and sites interested in utilising the green hydrogen available from SPS’ demonstrator base from 2024.

According to SPS, the project aims to show the feasibility of automated mobile pipeline construction with reduced carbon footprint and advanced digital integrity monitory, with the firm’s MASiP system, developed especially for the hydrogen era.

It is hoped the new system will support high pressure and large diameter pipelines required to connect industrial centres with supplies of hydrogen in the future.

Additionally, SPS says it has formed a hydrogen advisory pipeline panel with leasing energy companies that are active in developing hydrogen options to guide the development of a full scale hydrogen pipeline demonstrator in 2023.

Andrew Stevenson, CEO of SPS, said, “We are proud to be playing an integral role in the preparation for a new hydrogen pipeline transportation network to support the UK’s fuel switching plans.

“We are already at the forefront of pipe technology innovation, including digital monitoring to reduce environmental impact and monitor networks for leaks and fatigue failures. This project will allow us to use the expertise developed in other energy arenas to support decarbonisation.”

Gary Thompson, Managing Director of Smartflow, added, “We are proud to be playing an integral role in the preparation for a new hydrogen pipeline transportation network to support the UK’s fuel switching plans. This project will allow us to use the expertise developed in other energy arenas to support decarbonisation.”


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