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Bavaria’s first hydrogen train to hit tracks next year

Source: Update:2022-03-23 19:04:26 Author: Browse:360次

The German state of Bavaria will soon boast its first-ever hydrogen-powered train – and it will be presented to the public this spring.

Siemens Mobility and Bayerische Regiobahn today (March 17) confirmed the news, having inked a leasing contract for the zero-emissions locomotive.

Showcasing how hydrogen can transform public transportation, the train will be tested on the Augsburg-Füssen route, among others, from mid-2023.

Following trials, it is hoped full passenger service will be achieved by January 2024.

Hubert Aiwanger, Bavaria’s Economic Affairs Minister, said, “Green hydrogen is becoming a key pillar for comprehensive climate protection in the areas of transportation, industry and energy.

“As Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy, I am pleased that our Bavarian Hydrogen Strategy can increasingly address concrete issues. This train is an important part of this strategy towards a ‘transport turnaround’ with hydrogen, which is why we are promoting this project.

“I am convinced that with green hydrogen propulsions we can significantly reduce pollutant emissions in heavy-duty and rail transport and contribute to decarbonisation. The one-sided dependence on energy supplies can also be reduced and spread across many regions of the world.”

Albrecht Neumann, CEO Rolling Stock at Siemens Mobility, added, “Our Mireo Plus H is the latest-generation hydrogen-powered train. It features high driving power, excellent acceleration capability and a large operating range.

“This will make rail transport faster, more efficient, eco-friendlier, and more comfortable. The hydrogen-powered drive is an emission-free, advanced form of propulsion for trains that decarbonises rail transport and makes a substantial contribution toward reaching our climate goals.”  

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