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CNG Fuels opens ‘world’s largest’ low-carbon refuelling station for HGVs

Source: Update:2022-03-09 18:50:02 Author: Browse:424次

The UK is set to accelerate its efforts to decarbonise heavy transport following the introduction of the world’s largest public access renewable biomethane refuelling station which opens today (4th March) in Avonmouth, near Bristol.

Installed and operated by renewable biomethane specialist CNG Fuels, the new facility is expected to significantly reduce emissions in a typically hard-to-abate sector – responsible for 18% of total UK road transport emissions. Lidl- the latest company to convert its fleets to renewable biomethane – has been generating the green fuel to power its delivery trucks from in-store food waste, which will save more than 93% in carbon emissions per vehicle. 

“We are committed to reducing our environmental impact across our entire operations and switching our fleets over to renewable biomethane instead of diesel is a crucial step,” commented Jason Wild, Distribution, Recycling Consultant, Lidl. 

As part of its projected ‘multi-fuel future’, CNG Fuels also plans to host hydrogen fuel trials across its UK network, with the first trials due to begin this year.

By removing diesel HGVs from UK roads, the station will cut 70,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per year through. 

Capable of refuelling 80 HGVs per hour from 14 dispensers, the facility marks CNG Fuel’s’ 8th renewable biomethane refuelling station in the UK, with 12 additional stations planned per year to meet a demand which has increased by 1,000% over the last five years. 

The new station also provides an opportunity for major retail brands to further their green agenda. 

Located near existing customers such as Royal Mail, Warburtons and Amazon, the facility will enable low-carbon deliveries across the South West and into Wales for the first time. 

With increasing pressure being placed upon brands to decarbonise fleets, Phlip Fjeld, CEO, CNG Fuels, stated that renewable biomethane is the only commercially viable solution on the market today. 

“We are continuing to see high increases in demand and with the recent news of the 2040 ban on new diesel HGV’s, we expect the pace of demand to continue.” 

“In addition to our expanding network, we are also preparing for a multiple fuel future to ensure that when new technologies emerge, the infrastructure will already be in place to cater to demand,” he added. 

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