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Europe leading the global race for hydrogen and fuel cell innovation, says the FCH JU

Source: Update:2021-12-14 20:51:29 Author: Browse:433次

Europe has become pivotal for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and, according to the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), the EU is leading the race to deploy clean hydrogen power.

The European Hydrogen Week highlighted all that Europe is achieving in relation to hydrogen and fuel cells with over 2,000 participants attending the event.

Throughout the week, partnerships had been highlighted as vital in encouraging more companies to adopt hydrogen in addition to growing the hydrogen economy through the EU.

In fact, the need for cooperation, for connecting the various stakeholders and sectors, was a recurring theme of the event, as was urgency of turning plans into reality.

The FCH JU said that decisions on large investments must be synchronised, and multiple projects linked to create a snowball effect and build a viable market.

Europe has already built up a substantial lead on other regions of the world with hydrogen and thus partnerships should be maintained across the world to ensure vital innovative technologies are introduced to Europe.

This will be crucial in making Europe a central hub for hydrogen across the world.

Yet another crucial area to ensure that Europe maintains its hydrogen leadership position is the requirement to scale hydrogen production projects from megawatts to gigawatts to ensure enough hydrogen is available for decarbonisation.

Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General of DG Research and Innovation, said, “The synergies and joint agenda have been well identified politically. Now it needs to happen. You can count on Commission services to support this agenda.”

Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, said, “I want the EU to take a clear lead in establishing a framework for a global hydrogen economy.

“While the dynamics are there, we still need to do a lot. Global trade in hydrogen does actually not exist today. Clean Hydrogen is still far too expensive everywhere, so technology cost reductions and scale-up are urgently necessary.”

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