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NewHydrogen’s innovative hydrogen research to benefit from $550bn funding

Source: Update:2021-12-02 15:31:23 Author: Browse:420次

With the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in the US, NewHydrogen’s innovative hydrogen research could benefit from the industry opportunities that come through the new $550bn funding.

NewHydrogen is developing breakthrough electrolyser technology that enables the lower cost of green hydrogen.

This research and development are conducted at UCLA through a sponsored research programme which is focused on reducing and replacing rare earth materials such as platinum and iridium.

The new programme establishes a clean energy strategy and roadmap for the US including more than $550bn in new federal investment for clean infrastructure such as hydrogen.

In particular, the clean hydrogen plan is focused on applications for green hydrogen which can be produced from domestically available renewable energy sources.

Part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act establishes a grant program to strategically deploy publicly accessible hydrogen fuelling and electric vehicle infrastructure, including creating designated alternative fuel corridors accessible to all drivers of vehicles powered by clean energy.

The plan also establishes regional clean hydrogen hubs to demonstrate new technology and accelerate the commercialisation of clean hydrogen.

Dr. David Lee, CEO of NewHydrogen, said, “This is a watershed moment for the green hydrogen industry where political will and government funding have finally come together to help make the Hydrogen Economy a reality.

“To quote the famous French poet Victor Hugo, ‘No army can stop an idea whose time has come!’ The time for green hydrogen has come.

“Green Hydrogen has the potential to fundamentally change the world economy and usher in a new era of economic prosperity, geopolitical stability, and energy independence to those with access to solar, wind and water – which describes most of the entire world.

“At the centre of this extraordinary opportunity is an electrolyser that can produce low cost green hydrogen. Applications for green hydrogen go beyond the well-known fuel cell electric vehicles.

“Green hydrogen can replace fossil fuels in synthetic fuels, fertilisers, steel production, chemical and industrial processes, home heating and more. Green hydrogen is the ultimate true green fuel.”

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