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GlobalData: Pakistan’s LNG regasification capacity to increase

Source: Update:2021-12-02 15:29:02 Author: Browse:521次

Pakistan is expected to register significant LNG regasification capacity additions in Asia between 2021 and 2025, contributing approximately 11% of the region’s total capacity additions by 2025. The increasing gas demand from the domestic and industrial sectors, especially from the power generation segment, is driving the regasification capacity additions in the country, says GlobalData.

GlobalData’s report, ‘Global LNG Industry Outlook to 2025 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook with Details of All Operating and Planned Terminals’, reveals that Pakistan is likely to witness a total LNG regasification capacity addition of 1752 billion ft3 by 2025. Of this, 1697 billion ft3 of capacity would be from the new-build terminals while the rest of the capacity is from the expansion of the existing regasification terminals.

Teja Pappoppula, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Most of the capacity additions in Pakistan are through the new-build projects with the announced Port Qasim terminal being the largest with a capacity of 438 billion ft3. Several upcoming LNG terminals in Pakistan are proposed in Port Qasim as it is conveniently located nearer to major international shipping routes for easy imports of LNG.”

Port Qasim Floating IV terminal is the second highest contributor in the country with a planned capacity of 274 billion ft3 in 2022. ENERGAS Terminal Pvt Ltd will be the operator of this regasification terminal.

The third highest contributor in the country is the planned Port Qasim Floating III terminal which is likely to add a capacity of 274 billion ft3 in 2025. Pakistan Energy Gateway Ltd will be the operator of this regasification terminal.

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