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Norway, Netherlands sign CCS deal

Source: Update:2021-11-19 19:20:58 Author: Browse:444次

A Dutch-Norwegian deal has taken place that will see the nations collaborate in developing carbon capture and storage (CCS) solutions in the North Sea.

The agreement was made at the energy seminar ‘The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition’ hosted at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim on 11th November.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was undertaken by the countries’ representative governments to promote bilateral cooperation in the field of CCS in addition to exploring future areas of energy cooperation related to the North Sea.

Speaking at the seminar, Marte Mjøs Persen, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norwegian Government, said, “The Norwegian Government has strong ambitions in developing hydrogen and offshore wind in the years ahead, building on offshore expertise acquired through the oil and gas sector and maritime activities.”

“Together, we join forces for a greener and more sustainable energy future, through cooperation on energy infrastructure and technology development,” he added.

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