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IG,China, No. 1 Brand Trade Show for IG Industry

Source: Update:2021-11-12 14:08:29 Author: Browse:23607次

23rd IG China 2021 Concluded Successfully with its Concurrent Events in Hangzhou International Expo Center


Organized by AIT Events, the 23rd China International Gas Technology, Equipment and Application Exhibition (IG, China 2021) witnessed it grand opening at Hangzhou International Expo Center on 1st November, with the co-location of 15th H2+FC EXPO CHINA 2021, 6thLNGTECHEXPO 2021 and 13rd NGV EXPO CHINA 2021.


The theme for theIG,CHINA 2021 is IG Boosting the EconomyBEYOND THE PANDEMIC. We believe that this is a perfect platform upon which to build a business getting-together that will help share new thoughts and ideas to help us build an even more robust and resilient post pandemic industry, said Frank Xu, CEO of AIT Events and Founder of China IG Members Alliance-CIGMA.


For 2021,IG China has regained its strong attendance of exhibitors over 130 companies covering a total space of 10,000 sqm. In view of the on-going Pandemic and over 30% of the exhibitors are new players from China. In addition, it is exciting to see two local regional Pavilions are registered with manufacturers that have never exhibited at IG China before, yet they have strong presence in the Chinese IG market. This will be the first highlight ! The second highlight will be the IG Tech Forum addressing the digital convergence to the IG industry. The disruption has brought about a paradigm shift where digital technologies will play an increasingly larger role in the day-to-day operations of all aspects of the IG industry.





The three-days’trade show has attracted trade visitors and buyers exceeding 2,500. They come from the domestic gas related categories, such as iron and steel, chemicals, gases manufacturers, logistics, energy sectors including natural gas liquefaction plants, as well as industrial media, Chinese associations and other related individual consultants.


IG, China 2021 has won the endorsement from the International Association of Gas Manufacturers, All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers’ Association, the Middle East Industrial Gases Association, NGV Global and overseas agencies such as the TK114 Technical Committee for the Standardization of Oxygen and Cryogenic Equipment of the Russian Federal Agency for Technology and Metrology. 


In view of this year's "Pandemic", IG,China 2021has constantly receivedpositive and supportive congratulations from domestic and overseas regional and national gas associations. On behalf of AIT Events, the organizer of this exhibition, we would also like to extend our most heartfelt thanks for their strong supports to IG,China 2021.


For more dynamic informationof IG, China 2022, please visit the official website:www.igchina-expo.com or follow our Twitter account: IG CHINA1999 or Facebook &Linkedin account: IG CHINA.


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