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Linde increases capacity in Florida

Source: Update:2021-09-27 16:46:05 Author: Browse:478次

Linde plans to increase production capacity by almost 50% at its air separation plant in Mims, Florida, to meet rapidly growing demand for industrial gases.

The major industrial gas company is making the expansion – which is expected to be completed in 2023 – to supply its contracted customers across all end markets, including aerospace, healthcare, manufacturing, food processing and water treatment.

It follows a similar project in 2020, when Linde doubled the production capacity of Mims through the start-up of an additional air separation unit.

“Linde has an excellent track record of safely and reliably supplying its customers in Florida,” said Todd Lawson, Vice-President Eastern US, Linde.

“We look forward to further increasing our supply of industrial gases in response to the growing demand for space launch propellant and from the broader economy throughout the region.”

Last month, oxygen supplies were put under stress at hospitals in Florida due to the rise of Covid-19 patients.


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