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Inpex to supply Ichthys LNG’s carbon-neutral cargo to Toho Gas

Source: Update:2021-09-16 20:15:42 Author: Browse:548次

Japan’s oil and gas producer Inpex will deliver a carbon-neutral LNG cargo from the Ichthys LNG Project to compatriot gas company Toho Gas.


The shipment of carbon-neutral LNG will arrive at Chita LNG terminal in Japan’s Chita City on 18 September 2021.

The cargo comes from the Inpex-operated Ichthys LNG terminal in Australia.

Furthermore, this will be Toho Gas’ second receipt of a carbon-neutral LNG cargo.

The carbon footprint of the LNG shipment was offset using carbon credits applied to ghg emissions across the project’s entire natural gas supply chain. The carbon credits meet the Verified Carbon Standard deriving from ghg reduction efforts at global forest conservation projects, specifically.

In January 2021, Inpex set the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This LNG shipment from the Ichthys LNG Project aligns with this strategy. It contributes to CO2 reduction from Inpex’s upstream operations and also to CO2 reduction efforts across its value chain.

Inpex also says it will proactively engage in energy structure reforms towards the realization of a net-zero carbon society by 2050 while fulfilling its responsibility for the development and stable supply of energy over the long-term.

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