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Ballard, Quantron to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell trucks

Source: Update:2021-09-09 21:29:28 Author: Browse:513次


Ballard Power Systems and Quantron AG will look to bring several brand-new hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks to the market to help accelerate the adoption and deployment of hydrogen.

The collaboration will look to integrate Ballard’s FCmove family of heavy-duty fuel cell power modules into Quantron’s electric drivetrain and vehicle fleet with an initial deployment slated for 2022.

Currently in development is a 7.5 tonne delivery truck in addition to a 44-tonne heavy duty truck and a municipal waste collection truck.

By introducing new innovative fuel cell electric power train technologies there is potential to create more efficient hydrogen-powered vehicles that could persuade companies to invest in the new systems.

This would result in an industry-wide decarbonisation of mobility.

Andreas Haller, founder and Chairman of Quantron AG, said, “This is another important milestone for Quantron’s global growth. The cooperation with Ballard enables us to bring customised hydrogen commercial vehicles with fuel cell electric drives to the market.

“Today we embark on a journey of joint development and production of fuel cell electric commercial vehicles.”

Robert Campbell, Chief Customer Officer of Ballard Power Systems, said, “Ballard is looking forward to collaborating with Quantron to accelerate the adoption of fuel cell technology for truck applications.

“The combination of both companies’ expertise will deliver high performance hydrogen trucks to respond to the growing demand for zero emission vehicles from fleet operators and unlock new business opportunities for medium and heavy-duty fuel cell trucks in Germany.

“Ballard is bringing its 8th generation of heavy-duty fuel cell power module experience built upon over 85 million km’s of road service from over 3,500 buses and trucks powered by our leading PEM technology today.”


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