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New report makes 15 recommendations to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen in South Asia

Source: Update:2021-08-19 21:27:15 Author: Browse:516次

A new report covering new energy in South Asia has requested an integrated renewable-battery tech-hydrogen clean energy roadmap making 15 recommendations to support the transition.

Released today (August 16) by FTI Consulting, the recommendations cover clean energy policy, finance, transport and infra, industrial decarbonisation and social impact whilst also have been submitted to the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).

Included within the report is several recommendations that help support the acceleration of hydrogen across the region.

This includes the creation of a national hydrogen-themed energy transition fund together with or as part of the proposed national hydrogen energy mission as well as the creation of contractual structures for large national demonstration-stage projects in the energy transition for hydrogen valley type projects in multiple sectors and regions.

In addition to this, an integrated view on battery and hydrogen technologies for policy design should be developed whilst India should also have a national electrolyser manufacturing plan including a domestic supply chain for electrolysers to drive overall costs down.

The report also recommends the creation of a decarbonisation roadmap for heavy-duty transport. This is aimed at electrical vehicles and hydrogen interventions in long-haul freight such as trucking/buses, rail, shipping, and port & logistics clusters.

Amrit Singh Deo, Senior Managing Director in the Strategic Communications segment at FTI Consulting, said, “Energy transition is inter-disciplinary. Achieving a smooth transition will require different stakeholders to actively collaborate on policy design, funding, supply chain development and decarbonising end-use industries and transport.

“The global leaders who deliberated on these issues have identified some opportunities and risks. An integrated approach between the different clean energy technologies is a consensus view.

“This is the only way to design policy changes and develop future clean energy projects. India has an opportunity to build domestic manufacturing capabilities, bring global clean energy funds to South Asia and develop a decarbonisation pathway, if it is able to get this transition right.”

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