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Keravan Energia and Q Power initiate major synthetic methane plant investment in Finland

Source: Update:2021-07-15 09:07:07 Author: Browse:483次

A strategic partnership has been formed between energy company Keravan Energia Oy and energy technology company Q Power Oy. The partnership will see both companies producing synthetic methane at the Kerava bioenergy plant.

The production process aims to reduce carbon emissions by using carbon dioxide captured from the bioenergy plant smokestack, along with clean hydrogen.

Earlier this year, the partnering companies conducted a pre-feasibility study on the carbon-neutral fuel in order to assess to what extent the project can contribute to industrial, transport and energy applications.

An agreement was made to move towards a 4 – 10 Megawatts (MW) installation, with a 10 MW plant reducing CO2 emissions by 16,500 tonnes per year, enough to power up to 250 heavy freight vehicles.

Jussi Lehto, CEO, Keravan Energia, commented on the project, saying, “Keravan Energia is committed to reducing emissions with concrete, determined actions.”

“We see plenty of opportunities in synthetic methane: to decrease our own carbon footprint as well as to create new businessin a changing market”

“The Q Power team is exceptionally competent in this field, and we are excited about the possibility to cooperate with them.”

A small-scale pilot will begin in September 2021 to validate the methanation process with the specific flue gas composition. In order to assess the technical setup and economy of the plant, in addition to compiling materials to support a final investment decision, a feasibility study will be started along with the pilot.

With production beginning in 2024, the produced synthetic methane will be used in traffic applications as well as in the Kerava gas grid. Any heat energy produced will be fed into the local district heating network.

Speaking about the potential of the sector, Eero Paunonen, CEO, Q Power, said, “Climate change mitigation required rapid emissions reductions in all sectors of the economy.”

“Renewables-based synthetic methane will have a major role in several sectors in carrying our ambitious reductions.”

“I am excited about the possibility to engage in cooperation with Keravan Energia, who have a proven track record of effective emissions reduction actions.”

As the market for synthetic fuels grows, Q Power and Keravan Energies will see the Kerava project and methanation technology opening up numerous new business opportunities in the future.


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