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India: BASF ships molecular sieves to support oxygen production

Source: Update:2021-05-24 20:31:54 Author: Browse:482次

Chemical company BASF is supplying molecular sieves to various companies in India that are ramping up oxygen supply through the conversion of nitrogen generation units.

Sharing the news on 17th May, BASF said the molecular sieves are integral to the units as they help enrich atmospheric oxygen from 21% to medical-grade oxygen, ranging from 90%-95%.

To help distribution of the molecular sieves, the Government of India is supporting BASF in airlifting the products to augment the oxygen capacity.

The first shipment of sieves arrived from Frankfurt in Mumbai on 8th May. As a reciprocal gesture, BASF is donating the next batch of 70 tonnes of molecular sieves.

Commenting on the company’s efforts, Narayan Krishnamohan, Managing Director of BASF India, said, “The need of the hour is to support the demands for medical infrastructure.”

“BASF has therefore leveraged its global and local network to supply chemistry that enables additional oxygen generation as well as much needed medical equipment.”

“Proactive and timely support from the Government of India enabled quick shipment of our product to address the critical medical oxygen need in the country.”

In addition to the molecular sieves, BASF is also importing additional medical equipment, including cylinders and concentrators.

BASF said it will continue to monitor the situation and explore additional ways to support the government’s and local organisations’ relief efforts in India.

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