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DNV publishes CO2 pipeline guidance

Source: Update:2021-04-12 20:08:32 Author: Browse:508次

DNV has published new procedures to provide the required safety level in transporting CO2 via pipelines and strengthen the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects.

An updated recommended practice, DNVGL-RP-F104 Design and operation of CO2 pipelines, has been published based on the results from the CO2SafeArrest joint industry project between Energy Pipelines CRC and DNV.

The project involved two large-scale CO2 crack arrest tests being carried out on 24” pipelines to better understand the safety implications of CO2 releases. The testing was performed at the DNV Research and Development facility in UK.

Transportation of CO2 can be done either through the use of existing pipelines or the construction of new pipeline systems. DNVGL-RP-F104 is supporting both the design of new pipelines and the reuse of existing infrastructure by describing a process of how to re-qualify the pipelines for CO2 transport through various steps.

“We are seeing globally the drive from industry and governments to proceed with CCS and all major routes to successfully decarbonising gas rely on the large-scale uptake of the technology,” said Hari Vamadevan, Regional Director UK & Ireland, Senior Vice-President with DNV’s Energy Systems business area.

This RP gives guidance to the industry to contribute and ensure that safe and reliable operations continue to take place as CCS begins to scale worldwide. It also supports the fact that the re-purposing of existing infrastructure can be carried out safely in the future.”

The work has been supported by the Norwegian funding body CLIMIT and the Australian Commonwealth Government under the Carbon Capture & Storage Research Development and Demonstration Fund.

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