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Air Products inks power purchaseagreement for wind electricity in Poland

Source: Update:2021-04-08 18:00:39 Author: Browse:514次

Demonstrating its ongoing commitment to sustainable business management, Air Products, has signed a long-term, virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) in Poland with Scieki onshore wind farm, owned by Macquarie’s Green Investment Group (GIG).

Inked last Wednesday, the agreement equates to an emissions reduction equitable to removing 8,500 cars from Poland’s roads. It also supports the Air Products’ “Third by ‘30’ goal” to reduce its CO emissions intensity (kg CO/MM BTU) by one-third by the year 2030 from a 2015 baseline.

“Delivering cleaner energy solutions is an important part of Air Products’ past, present and future, not just for us as a company, but also for our customers, partners and the communities where we operate,” said Jacek Cichosz, Air Products’ General Manager – Industrial Gases, Poland.

“There is a real commitment in Poland and within the European Union, to address climate challenges with urgency and positive action. Air Products has that same desire towards an effective path in the broader energy transition.”

Edward Northam, Head of GIG Europe – one of the world’s largest teams of green infrastructure developers and investors – added, “Air Products is playing a leading role in the energy transition. As such, we are delighted to structure this PPA and play a role in accelerating Air Products’ own renewable energy and sustainability journey in Poland.”

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