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Air Products and New Flyer tour Washington in a hydrogen-powered bus

Source: Update:2021-04-06 18:55:52 Author: Browse:521次

Air Products and New Flyer have concluded a five-city tour around Washington State in a New Flyer Xcelsior CHARGE H2™ to demonstrate the benefits of fuel cell electric buses.

Beginning its tour on 22nd March, the New Flyer bus set off in Bremerton, Washington where a local transit agency observed the bus being fuelled using an Air Products’ mobile fuelling station.

As part of the demonstration, the transit team received training on how to fuel the bus and was then able to drive it on its regular route to get first-hand experience of how the vehicle performed under real-world conditions.

Powering on with the tour, Air Products and New Flyer then made similar stops in Renton, Olympia, Chehalis and Vancouver, Washington demonstrating the benefits and advantages of hydrogen transit.

“We’re proud to collaborate with New Flyer on this tour to showcase the real-world environmental benefits that are already available today through hydrogen,” said Eric Guter, Air Products’ Vice-President of Hydrogen for Mobility Solutions.

“Air Products has made substantial investments to ensure that customers have ready access to infrastructure and supply of hydrogen as the world transitions to a greener, more sustainable future.”

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