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HyGear Asia to supply gas recovery system to Obeikan Glass Company

Source: Update:2021-03-02 18:32:30 Author: Browse:507次


HyGear Asia has today (25th Feb) signed an agreement to supply its gas recovery system to Obeikan Glass Company,the largest float/coasted/laminated glass manufacturer in the Middle East.


Both hydrogen and nitrogen gas mixtures are used in float glass production as protective atmosphere to prevent oxidation. These gases are injected into the tin bath where liquid glass is floated on molten tin.

The most common practice of the production facilities is to vent the used mixed gases into the atmosphere. However, HyGear’s gas recovery system is developed to recover the used gases, clean them and feed them back into the process.

Use of the recovery system reduces costs and improves the product quality due to the increased atmosphere refreshment rate. Further to that, it reduces environmental impact of venting particulate matter into the atmosphere.

Commenting on the agreement, Joanna Kwan, General Manager of HyGear Asia, said, “We are delighted to expand our activities in the glass industry into the Middle East region with an established company like Obeikan.”

“This demonstrates the confidence in our ability to create value in monetary terms as well as reduction of environmental impact which is key to socially responsible companies like Obeikan Glass.” 

Fayez Abdulrazzag, CEO of Obeikan Glass Company, added, “We are pleased of our cooperation with HyGear and we are confident of the technology and our decision to invest on an innovative system.”

“We have no doubt of getting the return on our investment and much more important will enable Obeikan Glass to achieve one of its objectives as to be an environmentally friendly/green facility.”

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