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Den Hartogh uses LNG-powered trucks for new Shell contract

Source: Update:2021-02-23 00:10:06 Author: Browse:561次

Den Hartogh is using LNG-powered trucks for the first time at the Shell Rheinland Refinery in Cologne, Germany.

The deployment of the four Volvo FH LNG trucks is part of Den Hartogh’s new long-term logistics contract at the refinery and marks the long-standing partnership between the company and Shell.

The trucks have been deployed on a dedicated route for transport of Dimethyl ether (DME) for Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH since last month.

The combustion of natural gas releases significantly less CO2, NOx and SO2 and virtually no ash or particulates.

Shell has been a pioneer in LNG for more than 50 years and involved at every stage of the LNG journey.

Shell’s intention is to help LNG reach an impactful scale in the heavy-duty road transport sector and thus contribute to lower emissions of CO2 and air pollutants despite the continuing increase in road freight transport.

Den Hartogh is specialised in transporting LNG and other liquefied gases for its customers and now also using LNG powered trucks.

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