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Cryostar celebrates technology milestone; completes 100th CM-6 compressor

Source: Update:2021-02-04 18:07:29 Author: Browse:490次

High-tech cryogenic equipment supplier Cryostar has completed its 100th CM-6 compressor.

Announcing the news today (2nd Feb), Roger Dambach, BU LNG TT Director at Cryostar, said, We have successfully delivered 100 6-stage compressors in the last four years!


These integrally geared compressors, the result of Cryostars expertise and capacity for innovation, have made the company a solid leader on the X-DF propulsion market through its unique offering for this technology.’’


Samuel Zouaghi, President, emphasized, Beyond our technological prowess, our success is also proof that our shared values of integrity, respect, and a passion for excellence are embraced by our Cryostar employees each day.


They are the foundations upon which our client-oriented culture has been built.


We really would like to thank our clients and partners for their trust and assure them that we remain as driven as ever to ensure their complete satisfaction.


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