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Golar and Wartsila extend maintenance agreement

Source: Update:2021-01-28 18:51:07 Author: Browse:563次

Wärtsilä has signed a five year extension to its Optimised Maintenance agreement with Golar Management Norway, the operator and manager of a fleet of LNG carrier and FSRU vessels.


The agreement covers a total of 16 ship installations; 14 with Wärtsilä 50DF dual-fuel engines, plus two with Wärtsilä 34DF dual-fuel and Wärtsilä 20DF dual-fuel engines. The extension contract was signed in December 2020.


The agreement will enable Golar to pursue a predictive maintenance strategy enabled by Dynamic Maintenance Planning and Asset Diagnostics. Furthermore, Wärtsiläs Operational Support provides round-the-clock remote support and actionable advice from Wärtsilä Expertise Centres. The combination of advanced diagnostics and Wärtsiläs deep equipment expertise greatly enhances the safety, reliability and efficiency of the equipment and systems installed. It will also provide flexibility in maintenance scheduling by conducting maintenance based on actual equipment condition optimised for the vessels operations.


We are pleased to continue our long-term partnership with Wärtsilä with this service agreement extension. Wärtsiläs digital remote support capabilities have proved to be of great value for us, saving both time and costs by often eliminating the need to have service people sent onboard in person,”says Øistein Dahl, Managing Director of Golar Management Norway.


Lifecycle support is a key element of our strategy, and an important factor for us to be a trusted and reliable partner to our customers. With Wärtsilä Optimised Maintenance, we are able to increase availability and reduce unscheduled maintenance. By renewing and extending this agreement, we are also strengthening the partnership that exists between our companies, and we are proud that Golar is continuing their journey with us, says Henrik Wilhelms, Director Performance Services, Wärtsilä Marine Power.


The new five year Lifecycle Solution agreement includes 14 vessels that have had a five year Optimised Maintenance earlier and two new additional Golar vessels.

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