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Gulf Cryo unveils plans for CO2 recovery plant in Saudi Arabia

Source: Update:2021-01-27 18:46:06 Author: Browse:521次

Gulf Cryo will procure, install and operate what it says will be the largest CO2 emissions capture plant in the Middle East, to be located in Saudi Arabia.

The industrial gases company and Tecno Project Industriale (TPI) from SIAD Group, have inked a deal for the purchase of a modular CO2 recovery plant with a daily production capacity of 300 metric tons per day.

Gulf Cryo said this new mega CO2 recovery plant investment will enable it to double its existing CO2 production capacity in Saudi Arabia and will capture more than 250,000 tons a year of CO2 emissions in order to produce high-purity, food-grade green CO2.

“With this strategic investment, Gulf Cryo aims to maintain the leading role in the challenging transition to a low carbon future in Middle East and Saudi Arabia,” the company said in a statement.

“The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the announcement comes in a period of growing environmental concerns and initiatives for Carbon capture and reduction of CO2 emissions.”

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