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SuperFlash launches subsidiary LaserCore™

Source: Update:2021-01-07 16:19:01 Author: Browse:514次

SuperFlash LLC has launched a new subsidiary LaserCore™ which it says “will allow distributors to offer major fibre and carboin dioxide (CO2) laser cutting consumables to their customers”.

SuperFlash offers a variety of solutions to different challenges with compressed and welding gases and the Cleveland, US-based company claims to be a leader in oxy-fuel welding safety and custom gas mixers that allow a customer to create the perfect shielding gas.

LaserCore has warehouses in Florida, Ohio, Arizona, and Canada and offers nozzles, ceramics, and holders for laser cutting in the metal working industry.

“LaserCore will allow distributors to offer major fibre and carbon dioxide (CO2) laser cutting consumables to their customers at a great price without sacrificing quality,” SuperFlash said in a statement.

“Offering everything from nozzles that are engineered to ensure geometric tolerances to provide improved gas flow, to ceramics and holders that have OEM compatibility guaranteed.”

Victoria Marquard-Schultz, CEO of SuperFlash, said, “We have been the experts for compressed gas users and welders for so long that this was the next logical step. LaserCore is unique because it provides distributors with another item that end-users want – it’s a product that will create sales for distributors and it’s backed by our family business customer service.”

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