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Air Liquide opens hydrogen station in Nagoya Odaka, Japan

Source: Update:2020-12-25 17:46:54 Author: Browse:463次

On December 24, Air Liquide Japan opened a hydrogen station in Nagoya Odaka. This is in alignment with the initiatives in the Chubu region to create a hydrogen society using hydrogen as energy in daily lives and for industrial purposes. It is also a part of the government plan which aims to have 200,000 fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) on the roads and 320 stations by 2025.


The station is located in the Aichi Prefecture, an area which has one of the largest numbers of hydrogen vehicles and stations (1,136 and 27, now including the latter), along with Tokyo. The area also hosts the Japanese automobile industry, and the number of vehicles is expected to increase rapidly in the future, which justifies increasing the number of stations in this region for a better customer experience. Air Liquide sees growing demand in the area, and has very recently opened its Nagoya Nakagawa hydrogen station on July 9.

The Nagoya Odaka station has been created as a joint project between Air Liquide Japan and Japan H2 Mobility, LLC (JHyM). It will be the 7th station jointly operated by these two companies, and the 6th in the Aichi Prefecture. The station is contributing to an improved experience for customers and the Nagoya area residents thanks to a convenient location close to National Route 247, and the Prefectural Route 55 and being open on weekends as well. The hydrogen refueling system utilizes Air Liquide Japan’s standard-type package with a proven track record, combining compressors and pressure accumulators into one unit, that can be built in a limited time frame at a very efficient cost.

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