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Gasum opens new LNG station

Source: Update:2020-10-27 19:51:11 Author: Browse:534次

Nordic energy company Gasum has opened a new LNG station in southern Sweden.

Located in Helsingborg, the new station offers LNG and liquefied biogas (LBG) for heavy-duty vehicles.

Helsingborg is one of the biggest logistics hubs in the Nordics and a major food distribution centre for Sweden.

The new station caters to the needs of companies seeking ways to lower their emissions.

The Helsingborg station is the second of its kind in the city and is an important addition to the station network in Sweden.

The station is located at Transportgatan 2A, beside the E20/E6 and E4 highways that together connect Helsingborg to east coast on the other side of the country.

“The Helsingborg station further promotes sustainable traffic across Sweden,” said Mikael Antonsson, Director Traffic at Gasum in Sweden.

“By expanding the Nordic gas filling station network, we are making alternative fuels available to more and more companies.”

“Transport and logistic companies need to lower their emissions and LNG is one the most cost-efficient and fastest ways to do this.”

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