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Heavy-duty trucks with Shell card can now access Air Liquide's bio-NGV stations in France

Source: Update:2020-08-26 21:30:04 Author: Browse:471次

Heavy-duty trucks with Shell card access will now be able to access Air Liquide’s network of multi-energy stations in France thanks to a new agreement between the two companies.

Air Liquide’s stations distribute a variety of fuels for road transport companies, including bio-NGV (natural gas for vehicles) and liquid nitrogen for refrigerated trucks.

Trucks will be able to refuel 24 hours a day, seven days a week with CNG, LNG, bio-CNG and bio-LNG.

Air Liquide operates all along the biomethane value chain with a circular economy approach rom the production and purification of biogas in the plants it operates, to its injection into natural gas grids, and its use, for example, as bio-NGV for road transport fleets.

The biomethane injected into the natural gas grid is also used to supply stations that distribute bio-NGV.

Air Liquide now has more than 80 stations distributing bio-NGV around Europe, including 16 in France.

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