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IACMI receives grant for hydrogen and natural gas tank development

Source: Update:2020-08-04 22:39:11 Author: Browse:543次

The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) is set to receive $2.7m from the US Department of Energy (DOE) to develop and validate technology that will reduce the cost of manufacturing high-performance carbon fibre to make composite natural gas or hydrogen fuel tanks to power cars and trucks.

Throughout IACMI’s first five years of funding, the Manufacturing USA institute has focused one of its technology areas on compressed gas storage (CGS) tanks, making headway in innovations of materials and processes that lead to wider adoption of the technology in novel applications.

“Validating the use of low-cost, high-strength carbon fibre for compressed hydrogen and natural gas storage tanks will help expand technology choices for ground transportation,” IACMI CEO John Hopkins said.

“Significant cost reduction is especially difficult for the type of carbon fibre used in CSG tanks and this project addresses that challenge.”

The new award is one of 18 projects and approximately $64 million in DOE funding that will support the H2@Scale vision for affordable hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and use.

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